Thursday, April 19, 2007

My new friend

My New friend is 16 but leads the life of a nine or ten year old.He loves to make Bows and arrows from twigs and strings and made tea yesterday all by himself.He loves mythology and talks nonstop about Gods and other divinities. A meeting with a life threating illness ( blood cancer) left him with Epilepsy and the gift of eternal childhood.He is in total remission but
suffers Seizures.He comes to "play " with me once a week.He is my teacher.

Yesterday he said "I have a costume on .A costume of being THIS" he said, pointing to his body. "If I go away in sanyas, I will cause pain to every one" he said." to my mother, to my father, to my sister, to my grandmother, to you. Thats why I am quiet. I donot talk about," he said.

I dont know if my freind is a great soul in this disguise or a mere child repeating things he has picked up. Thats not my right to know.But what really amazed me is his idea that his intentions may hurt people around him.

To deal with Ahimsa at the level of not disclosing even intentions of action that may hurt someone is something everyone can learn from my friend.

He doesnot have to be an avataar or a reborn saint. He is a great human being for me.

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